Sets the element being hovered over
The new element
Selects a given element
Clears the selection of all canvas elements
Clips the canvas to a rectangle
Deselects a given element
Draws a rectangle within the given bounds
Draws a simple line from four coordinates
Draws a text
The text to draw
The text X position
The text Y position
The font to use
The maximum width of the text
The horizontal alignment
The vertical alignment
Extracts a new edge waypoint
The edge who receives the new waypoint
X position
Y position
Generates an image data URL from the canvas
The zoom factor used for the generated image
The format as mime type. By default this is image/png
If JPEG, a quality can be specified
A data URL covering the image data
Generates an SVG data URL from the canvas
The zoom factor used for the generated image
A data URL covering the image data
Generates an SVG data URL from the canvas
The zoom factor used for the generated image
A data URL covering the image data
Returns the element at the given position
Converts global coordinates to element based coordinates
Returns the handle at the given position
Invalidates the canvas by emptying it
Tests whether an element is selected
Measures the width of a text
The text to measure
The font to use
Moves an element on the canvas
The element to move
Movement in X direction
Movement in Y direction
Move the offset point of the canvas
Handles context menu events on the element
Handles a left click in the canvas
The clicked element or null, if no element was hit
The mouse event triggered
Handles a middle click in the canvas
The clicked element or null, if no element was hit
The mouse event triggered
Handles when a mouse button is pushed down on the canvas
Handles when a mouse is moved over the canvas
Handles when a mouse button is released on the canvas
Handles when the mouse wheel is scrolled over the canvas
Handles a right click in the canvas
The clicked element or null, if no element was hit
The mouse event triggered
Pops the canvas stack
Pushes the canvas stack
Renders the canvas
Invalidates and renders the canvas
Snaps coordinates to the grid
Original X coordinate
Original Y coordinate
Coordinates on the grid
Updates the handles of a given element
The element who's handles are updated
Zooms 100%
Zooms into the diagram
Zooms out of the diagram
Generated using TypeDoc
Sets the element being hovered over